Principal Investigator
Prof. Wang Ivy Wong
Associate Professor and Director, Gender Studies Programme
Associate Professor (by Courtesy), Department of Psychology
Assistant Dean (Interdisciplinary Programmes), Faculty of Social Science
By-Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge
(2009-2013) University of Cambridge
PhD in Social and Developmental Psychology
(2007-2008) University of Cambridge
MPhil in Social and Developmental Psychology
(2006-2007) University of Cambridge
Visiting Scholar in Social and Developmental Psychology
(2004-2007) University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology)
My interest in gender development began with my time as a visiting student at the University of Cambridge. I then pursued postgraduate studies under the supervision of Melissa Hines at Cambridge, where I learned more about how men and women become different (or similar), and the hormonal, social, and cognitive forces that shape them. I specialize in gender and play, gender cognition, socialization and stereotyping, and disorders of sex development.
In the Gender Development Lab at the University of Hong Kong and then at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, I continue to put gender differences into test and study how different factors affect gender development. We are particularly interested in the intersection of gender and important real-life issues. For example, our past and current research touches on these questions:
How do parents shape children’s gendered behavior?
How does the rigid use of pink for girls and blue for boys affect children’s play behavior?
How do gender-typed play preferences relate to spatial and social abilities?
Are gender disparities in development intensified by social class?
How does gender-segregated schooling affect students’ gender cognition and social life?
How do children react to peers who are gender-nonconforming?
Do people have an accurate empathic understanding of others' ongoing thoughts and emotions? Do they underestimate or overestimate such accuracy? Are there perceived and actual gender differences in empathic accuracy?

Research Postgraduate Students

Ang Li
I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2023 as a first-year PhD student in Gender Studies (Psychology) at CUHK. Before joining CUHK, I earned my BSc in Applied Psychology from Shandong Normal University and my MSc in Psychological Research from the University of Edinburgh. I seek to understand the psychological processes that lead to gender disparities in diverse settings. My research interests focus broadly on gender stereotypes, gender role beliefs, and gender equality.

Maggie Yu
I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2023 as a Ph.D. student in Gender Studies (Psychology) at CUHK. Before joining the lab, I completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Psychology at Beijing Normal University. My previous research focused on women's body image in SNS, leading to a publication in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Currently, my research interests primarily revolve around gender stereotypes in social cognition and social interaction, and gender inequality in various social contexts.

Yuanyan Qiang
(Co-supervised by Prof. Hong Ying-yi)
I joined the Gender Development lab in 2023 as a first-year Ph.D student in psychology at CUHK. Before that, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in sociology from Shaanxi Normal University, and completed a Master's degree in Psychology from Beijing Normal University. My research interests lie in the fascinating realm of stereotype content model, where I can explore how individuals perceive and relate to various social groups. I am quite intrigued to investigate gender group relations and benevolent sexism within this framework. I want to detect the origins of conflicts between different gender groups and identify effective ways to address them.

Sylvia Shi
I am PhD student in Gender Studies (Psychology) at CUHK. I received my BSc in Food and Nutritional Science and MPhil in Psychology from HKU. I joined the lab since my final year of undergraduate studies, and I had the opportunity to do literature review, participant recruitment, data collection and management for two research projects, one studying the relationship between children's gender-typed toy play and their social and spacial abilities, and another studying how primary school students' gender-stereotyped attitudes relate to their academic performance. From such experiences I learnt a lot about research methodology and discovered my interest in doing psychological research. I then pursued postgraduate study under the supervision of Dr. Ivy Wong.
I have been doing research about single-sex and co-ed school students' gender cognition and social outcome, and the well-being of gender-nonconforming children. My work was presented at the 75th Annual Conference of the International Council of Psychologists in New York, and I also published in Child Development and PLOS One as co-author.
Janice Leung
I joined the Gender Dev Lab in 2022 as a first-year PhD student in Gender Studies (Psychology), and I completed my BSocSc in Psychology at the University of Hong Kong. I am passionate about feminist advocacy, and I believe that gender research plays an instrumental role in achieving gender equality and other related forms of social justice. Such values and beliefs have shaped my research interests, which primarily include gender roles, and gender and sexual diversity.

Connie He
I joined the Gender Dev Lab in 2022 as a first-year Ph.D. student in Gender Studies (Psychology) at CUHK. I received my Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Psychology at Central China Normal University and MPhil in Educational Psychology at University of Macau. When I was doing my master thesis, I used an experiment to investigate predictors of young adults’ attitudes towards transsexual men. This experience enriched my understanding of gender issues. My research interests include gender nonconformity and people’s prejudice against LGBTQ+.

Anita Tang
I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2021 as a MPhil student in Gender Studies (Psychology) at CUHK. Before joining the lab, I completed my BA in English Literature at Sichuan University and MA in Psychology at CUHK. My research interests include the role of gender/sexual identity in shaping people’s behaviors in different social contexts and the psychological well-being of gender/sexual minorities.
Research Assistants

Parco Ng
Graduated from HKU in 2018, double majoring in Psychology and Counselling, I look forward to a research career that could address the global spread of political polarization. My general research interests include the social functions of morality and perspective taking. As a research assistant at Gender Development Lab, I am interested in the effects of gender-segregated education on social-cognitive development.
Affiliated Members & Collaborators

Karen Kwan
I received a PhD degree in Psychology from The University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Ivy Wong. During my PhD study, I had the opportunity to join the laboratory of our collaborator, Dr. Doug VanderLaan, as a visiting researcher at the University of Toronto Mississauga. I also worked with Dr. Wong and Dr. VanderLaan on a cross-cultural project comparing Chinese and Western children regarding their appraisals of gender-nonconforming peers.
Before joining the gender lab, I obtained a BBA degree in Marketing and Management with minor in Social Science from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a MA degree in Psychology from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently, I am a Research Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. My research examines gender-related issues such as gender identity, gender stereotypes, gender norms, and interpersonal relationships. I am also interested in cross-cultural research and has focused on cross-cultural similarities and differences in gender expressions and perceptions. My research adopts a wide range of measures including observations, questionnaires, child interviews, facial expression analysis, and ecological momentary assessment.

Sabine Yeung (aka Icy)
I graduated with a BA in Psychology and Translation from HKU in 2017 and a MSc in Psychological Research at Oxford in 2019. Since my second year of studies at HKU, I joined the Gender Development Lab and took part in projects examining play and skill development. After graduation, I continued to stay in the Lab as a Research Assistant. It was a pleasure to work with the Lab and Dr Wong, who always inspires me in many ways! I am doing my PhD at Cambridge, focusing on cognition in health and disease. In my leisure time, I like doing sports, hiking and travelling.
Patrick Tsui
I am a student of MSocSc in Clinical Psychology at HKU. I also completed my master's degree in Psychology at HKU under the supervision of Dr. Wong. My current project aims to explore empathic accuracy in preschool children. In my leisure time, I like spending time with my wife and two lovely kids.
Ivy Wong Wing Yan
I received my MSc Organisational Psychiatry and Psychology from King's College London in 2021 and BSc Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong in 2014. I have more than eight years experience promoting diversity, equity and inclusion at workplace in Hong Kong, mainland China and Asia, with a special focus on LGBT+ workplace inclusion in Asia. I am interested in supporting research on workplace diversity and inclusion and promoting well-being at work.

Erin Lei
I graduated from HKU with double majors in Psychology and Counselling in 2019. I completed my undergraduate thesis titled “Mental health and Behavioural Correlates of Gender Nonconforming Children (GNC) in China” under the supervision of Dr. Wong. My thesis explores the relationship between GNC and various indicators of behavioural and mental health, which echo with my research interest in gender development. I am also interested in exploring topics on common mental health disorders and addiction. I worked as a research assistant in the Department of Psychiatry at HKU with a specialized interest in psychosis and mental health in adolescents. Currently I am working as a Clinical Psychologist in the Hospital Authority.

Cho Lam Ngan
I am a psychology graduate from HKU. I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2018 and completed my undergraduate thesis under the supervision of Dr. Wong. My thesis investigated the prevalence and levels of gender nonconformity in Chinese children, which has broadened a lot of my knowledge in the field of psychology of gender. I later pursued my master’s degree in clinical psychology at HKU and am now working as a clinical psychologist.
Current Interns & Student Helpers

Lok-Ying Chua
I am a psychology major studying at CUHK. Having an interest in how the human brain works, I am motivated to explore and learn more about how the environment we spend our time in shapes our thoughts and beliefs. While it is encouraging to see positive changes in acceptance of various gender issues, more in-depth research and promotion could eliminate misconceptions as well as stereotypes in society. I hope to see a respectful and accepting environment where all of us are comfortable being our true selves without the fear of stigmatization.

Audrey Wong
I joined Gender Development Lab in 2022 as a second-year psychology student at CUHK. I am interested in gender development as it involves the interplay of different branches of psychology. I wish to explore deeper into how biological, social, and cognitive factors play a role in gender-related issues in the society, so to gain more insight in this generation we live in where people are more open towards existing issues concerning gender and sexuality.
Charlotte Lee
I joined Gender Development Lab in 2022 as a year 3 undergraduate student majoring in Psychology in CUHK. Via daily conversations with my parents, I realized that we have contrasting views on topics of sexual orientation and gender identity. I am interested in how the society and family influence children’s gender identity development, and how children react to people who do not follow the traditional gender roles. In the future, I would like to pursue a career in the mental health field. During my leisure time, I like to draw and visit art exhibitions.

Marie Chow
I am a student majoring in psychology in CUHK. In the pursuit of my studies, I find the complexity of our minds and how our perceptions and actions influence one another fascinating. As intriguing as gender roles and gender minorities are, stigmatization cannot be overlooked. Through joining the Lab, I hope to get more insight into these issues and the complications behind, as well as get more research experience.
Abbie Yim Lok
I joined Gender Development Lab in 2023 as a year 3 psychology major student in CUHK. I am interested in educational psychology and the development of children. Therefore, I would like to know more about children's social-cognitive development. Besides, gender development is related to everyone and could shape our values. I hope to learn more about these. by taking part in this lab.
Erik Yan Ching Persson
I am a Year 3 undergraduate student majoring in Psychology. I have been intrigued by gender related studies ever since my teenage years when I witnessed the effects of gender identity and stereotypes. With gender becoming a more widely discussed and researched topic, I would like to lend a hand in the development of such research, particularly in the effects of gender stereotypes along with the social and cognitive effects of different gender identities.

Jessie Mak
I am a Cultural Studies undergraduate student at CUHK and also studied Sociology and Anthropology before. During my studies, I analysed Hong Kong sexuality education and menstrual education as case studies and found that the progress of gender equality in Hong Kong is stagnant for many years. Therefore, I actively participate in social services to promote comprehensive sexuality education and practice the academic theory, hoping that people of different genders, sexual orientations and classes will be respected. In this internship, I hope to be acquainted with academic research and enrich my knowledge of gender and psychology.

Norris Cheng
As a psychology student at CUHK, I joined the Gender Development Lab with a specific interest in the social development and stigmatization of gender stereotypes. I find the interplay between societal norms, cultural expectations, and individual perceptions fascinating. Understanding how these factors shape the formation of gender roles and the subsequent stigmatization of those who deviate from them is crucial for promoting inclusivity and challenging harmful biases.

Bernice Fok
I am a year 3 psychology student studying at the CUHK, During my high school years, my awareness and concern for gender issues started to develop. This newfound curiosity drove me to delve deeper into this topic, seeking to understand the underlying factors affecting gender differences in cognitive and social-emotional development. During my free time, I enjoy traveling and listening to music.

Ivy Tan
As an undergraduate student with a major in psychology, I am eager to explore the complex interplay between individuals and society, with a particular focus on the social-cognitive development of children in relation to gender. I believe that psychology can serve as a crucial catalyst in furthering the cause of equality, and I am committed to promoting this notion in my future career.

Angel Wu
I am a psychology undergraduate from CUHK.I am interested in gender-related issues such as feminism, LGBTQ, and how gender norms shapes the society and people. In recent years, values and attitudes towards many gender norms are changing, I hope to improve gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in the future.
Recent Members & Affiliates

Anson Hau
I graduated from HKU in 2022, majoring in Journalism & Psychology. I am currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy, and I look forward to working with parents and children in the future. My past work experience as a Counsellor for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) sparked my interest in research relating to Theory of Mind and empathic accuracy. My other research interests include children's social-emotional development and parenting styles.

Will Sham
I am a law and psychology graduate from HKU. I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2017 and completed my master's thesis under Dr. Wong's supervision, which explored the relationship between sexual orientation and romantic orientation, and was later published in Current Psychology (doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03380-9). Since then I have furthered my studies in counselling, and am now working as a school counsellor.

Melanie Ng
I am a psychology student in CUHK. After knowing more friends who are sexual minority and becoming more exposed to such issues, I became especially interested in gender equality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. I aspire to educate society in order to ameliorate stereotype and misunderstanding towards sexual minorities. In my free time, I like listening to music and watching dramas.

Ben Lau
I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2021 as a second-year psychology student at CUHK. Before that, I delivered evidence-based training to primary school students with AD/HD under the guidance of educational psychologists. In my view, not only does education strengthen the intellectual abilities of students, but it can also foster the personal growth of teachers. Since then, I have been proud of being an SEN teacher and interested in the psychological development of young children. As an intern at Gender Development Lab, I will explore the social-cognitive development of children under the supervision of Prof. Wong. What ‘s more, I am motivated to promote the psychological health of the LGBT+ community. I believe that everyone of us should have the right to love without the fear of being stigmatized. I have faith in psychology as psychological knowledge can help us understand gender issues as well as promote equity.

Lok-Hang Wong
I joined the Gender Development Lab in 2021 as a year-two psychology major student in CUHK. Stepping in a new generation, people are holding a more open attitude to gender issue yet there is a lack of sex education in Hong Kong. I believe through participating in this research can increase my knowledge on gender studies, understanding how gender identities are shaped by behaviors and the society.
Ivy Chan
I joined Gender Development Lab in 2022 as a fourth-year translation major at CUHK, double minoring in English and Gender Studies. As a logophile, I am naturally intrigued by the intricacies of languages and gender communication, and how the two are inextricably intertwined. As an intern at the Gender Development Laboratory, I hope to explore the effects of gendered play on children’s social-cognitive development, as well as assist other ongoing research projects which I believe will lay a solid foundation for stereotype elimination and gender equality in Hong Kong. In my spare time, I enjoy embroidery and practicing archery.

Gabriel Cheung
I am a psychology undergraduate from CUHK. Upon discovering about the lab, I am thrilled to be able to take part in this project, as gender related issues are among the most intriguing topics I find within the scope of psychology. Having befriended many gender minorities, I am interested in discovering how gender is related to development. I am interested in songwriting as my leisure activity.
Eddie Yuen
Majoring in psychology at CUHK and aspiring to become a scholar, I hope to gain exposure to the field of gender development and learn more about research. Currently, I am most interested in moral and cultural psychology, specifically moral differences and polarization. In the context of gender development, I am interested in how children acquire gender norms, and whether gender differences exist in terms of morality. Social issues revolving around gender discrimination and feminism are also concerns in my everyday life.

Christine Lam
I joined Gender Devlopment Lab as a Year 3 student majoring in Psychology in CUHK. Passionate about social psychology and gender studies, I aspire to reduce stigma in the society, especially gender stereotypes and sexual orientation discrimination. After graduation, I hope to continue my education in clinical psychology and pursue a career in this field in the future.

Amy Lam
I am a CUHK Fine Art graduate and an M-Phil student of Anthropology. As a sex-positive feminist, my previous research was on the lived experience of Hong Kong independent erotic comic artists. I am also the creator of the ethnography-inspired comic, Almost Human, a romantic comedy featuring an intersex person and a vampire. The comic is an attempt to make intersexuality visible through the popular medium of Boy’s Love (BL), with its plot supported by and conveying academic research on the current situation of intersex people.
Seline Yeung
I joined Gender Development Lab in 2022 as a Year 2 Psychology student at CUHK. I find myself deeply intrigued by projects related to masculinity, after observing how men appear to be less willing to accept and express their emotions. I would love to explore more about how gender norms shape society and how we see ourselves. By participating in the lab, I hope to enhance my exposure to gender development to understand society and myself.

Martina Yu
I am a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in Chinese Language and Literature and minoring in cultural studies and philosophy. I love watching movies and it is also what piqued my interest in the interdisciplinary research of gender studies in film & literature. However, reviewing my major and minor study experiences, I realized that examining gender issues by analysing texts may seem too abstract. Thus, it also raises a question, which is how to relate theory in humanity fields and my thought to real life. Therefore, I want to investigate other new perspectives on my research interests by exploring different methodologies and trying to practice my thoughts in lab research. I believe that all who define our own living, defying the deception of gender stereotyping, are journeying, are calling forth from ourselves and each other the courage to name the unnameable.

Anthea Lam
I am a Year2 undergraduate student in CUHK Psychology. At the stage of self-exploration, I am actively searching for my enthusiasm in Psychology. Attracted by the charm of developmental psychology, in which it is closely related to everyone and constantly changing with society, I hope to gain more insights into it by participating in the Gender Development Lab. Particularly, I am interested in how nature and nurture contribute to the development of one’s sexual identity and sexual orientation. In my leisure time, I like dancing and hanging out with friends
Olivia Lau
I am a year 2 student majoring in psychology at CUHK. As a graduate of a gender-segregated school, I become more interested in how the social environment shapes one's gender identity and sexual orientation at the early stage of development. In recent years, more information about gender issues is exposed to the public through media. I believe this is a first step to reduce gender stereotypes and discrimination. I hope we can raise the public attention on the importance of education of gender studies in order to build a harmonious environment for diversified social values.

Natalie Fong
I am a second-year student majoring in Psychology at CUHK. Having grown up under the influence of Western media, I realized that there is a lack of knowledge and awareness about gender issues in Hong Kong. A lot of society’s current ideas about gender and sexuality are not challenged and accepted as facts. Thus, I am particularly interested in how society shapes our gender development and identity. In the future, I hope to pursue a career in mental health or women’s rights. During my leisure time, I like to watch movies, eat good food and play with my cat.

Vanessa Tam
I am a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology at the Ohio State University. I am interested in counselling and social psychology. Examining how single-sex education affects gender development is important to me, as well as removing the stigma around the LGBT community.

Cathy Wong
I am a third-year student majoring in Psychology. I started paying attention to gender-related issues when I was in secondary school and became aware of how gender may shape our perspectives and experiences. After beginning my undergraduate studies and learning more about gender from a psychological perspective, I developed my interest in gender role development and socialization. Outside the laboratory, I am a member of a local activist group to raise awareness for sex and gender issues. I also enjoy reading and writing in my free time.

Dory Poon
I am a Year 4 student majoring in medical studies at CUHK. I am interested in the effects of gendered play on social and cognitive developmental outcomes. In recent years, there are great changes of social value and acceptance in gender issues. Particularly, the effects of parenting and single-sex schooling on gender development have aroused my curiosity. In my free time, I enjoy film photography, listening to indie music from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Hannah Liu (BA Student)
I am a fourth year undergraduate student, majoring in Translation and minoring in Psychology. Having attended a girls’ school, I have always been taught that girls can be as capable as boys in traditionally male-dominated fields like maths and science, and we are as competent to be leaders as men. Because of this background, I am aware of society’s conventional views and expectations on genders, and I find myself attracted to topics related to sex, gender and development. However, I also realize that the truth is not as rosy as I am told. This encourages me to join the lab to study more about sex differences and gendered behaviours. By answering these questions, I hope to open the door to unleashing girls’ power and reshaping the workplace, and bring a genuine, positive impact to the society one day.

Iris Lau (BSocSc Student)
I am Iris, a year 3 student majoring in Psychology and Counseling. I have developed my interest towards social and personality psychology since my second year of study. My previous experiences growing in a single-sex school also aroused my interest towards gender differences in social and spatial skills. Outside work in the lab, I like hiking and travelling.

Serena Lee (BSocSc Student)
I am a Psychology major at HKU for my undergraduates education. My interest in topics surrounding gender stemmed from personal interest and academic exposure, learning that gender is understood and incorporated in cognitive, developmental and social faucets that contribute to individual differences. Hence my involvement in the Gender Development Lab as an intern under the supervision of Dr. Wong as part of my studies, in order to gain experience and garner extensive exposure, and for further exploration in research from an academic and clinical perspective in studying development. In parallel to the internship, I aim to further engage in the topic of gender by participating in the IMPACT Uni Transformative Leadership Scheme that advocates for gender equality and acting as a safe platform for increased representativeness of relevant stakeholders from a societal standpoint. While I am open to alternative prospects, upon my completion of my Bachelors degree, I hope to further pursue further education in the clinical branch or academia of psychology. In my free time, I enjoy reading, baking, hiking and travelling.

Kristie Wong (BSocSc Student)
I am a Year 2 student majoring in Psychology and Criminology. I developed my interest in gender-related studies in secondary school. Being an enthusiast in promoting gender equality, I am particularly interested in the relationship between one's gender and sense of identity along with the role played by socialisation. Inspired by some of my friends from the LGBT community, I am also particularly interested in issues regarding the conflicts between one's sexual orientation and deep-rooted traditional values. In my leisure time, I like drawing, practising calligraphy and playing my guitar. I am also into travelling and photography.
Danny Wan (BSocSc Student)
I am a Social Sciences student majoring in psychology and counseling in HKU. I am interested in the roles of gender play in communication and interaction. I am also interested in issues about gender equality and sexual orientations. As a psychology student, I also aspire to study and improve the mental health system in the community. During my leisure time, I like to work out, play guitar and read novels.

Chee Yan Lee
I have completed my MSocSc in the field of Psychology at HKU and BSocSc (Hons) in Criminology at CityU. I am currently a research assistant at the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences at CityU and have been working on Criminological research related to juvenile delinquency, cybercrime, and restorative justice. I’m particularly interested in how single-sex schooling affect the gender development among individuals. Hanging out with my dog is my favorite thing to do during leisure time.