Congratulations to Sylvia Shi (PhD candidate)
Congratulate Sylvia for being the recipient of the Travel Grant 2024 awarded by the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development.
Invited Talk at The Big Conversation: Sex and Gender Differences
Prof. WONG Wang Ivy was invited to give a talk at The Big Conversation: Sex and Gender Differences in Santa Fe (30 Sept - 1 Oct 2023) along with 15 other leading scholars on the origins, mechanisms, and meaning of sex/gender differences.
Congratulations to Janice Leung
Congratulate Janice for winning the Duke 2024 Feminist Theory Workshop Travel Award!
Congratulations to Anita Tang
Congratulate Anita for successfully defending her MPhil thesis on empathic accuracy in romantic couples!
Congratulations to Ang Li and Maggie Yu
Congratulate Ang and Maggie for the award of the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship Scheme!
Welcome Ang Li, Maggie Yu, and Yuanyan Qiang
Ang Li, Maggie Yu, and Yuanyan Qiang (co-supervised by Prof. Hong Ying-yi) will be joining the Gender Development Laboratory in August 2023 as PhD students.
Fellowship at Cambridge
This summer, Prof. WONG Wang Ivy is visiting
Cambridge University (Churchill College) as a By-Fellow from
May to August. During the fellowship, she will take part in
research exchanges, meet other scholars and students,
and attend cultural events. If you are interested in her work
or would like to get in touch, please contact her at iwwong@cuhk.edu.hk.
Congratulations to Janice Leung
Congratulate Janice for the award of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF)!
Welcome Janice Leung and Connie He
Janice Leung and Connie He will be joining the Gender Development Laboratory in August 2022 as PhD students.
Interview at BBC Radio 4 show
Prof. Ivy Wong was interviewed on single-sex education in the 2021-9-27 BBC Radio 4 show. (Radio playback: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0010216)
Recipient of the RGC's General Research Grant
Prof. Ivy Wong was awarded the RGC’s General Research Grant for the project “Boys’ and girls’ empathic accuracy in ongoing parent-child interactions: Performance and (mis)perception in everyday mind-reading".
Presentation at The British Psychological Society (BPS) Online Conference 2021
Prof. Ivy Wong presented our findings on using a new standard stimulus paradigm (SSP) to assess empathic accuracy of young children in terms of their ability to infer the mental states of adults in ongoing parent-child interactions. For more details, please refer the conference poster and the full article.
Congratulations on your success, Ms. Karen Kwan!
Ms. Karen Kwan, a PhD student of our lab, won the 1st runner up of the publication award of HKU Psychology Department for 2020-2021 for the Child Development paper (Kwan et al., 2020).
Kwan, M. W. ^, Shi, S. Y.^, Nabbijohn, A. N., MacMullin, L. N., VanderLaan, D.*, & Wong, W. I.* (2020). Children’s appraisals of gender nonconformity: Developmental pattern and intervention. Child Development, 91, e780-e798. [Download PDF]
SRCD Press release: New intervention may help ease young children's biases against gender-nonconforming peers
CUHK Press release: CUHK study reveals simple intervention may change young children’s biased perception of peers breaking gender norms
Child&Family Blog: Gender nonconforming children, particularly boys, are less popular with peers
HKET TOPICK: 中大研究揭兒童對性別非常規化朋輩存偏見 倡培育多元共融意義
On.cc: 4歲童已對非常規性別行為存偏見 學者倡及早教育
SCMP: Gender stereotyping can be reduced at a young age with proper intervention, study conducted on Hong Kong children finds
hk01: 中大研究:4歲童對「娘娘腔」行為存偏見 倡及早培育多元意義
Sky Post: 歧視「娘娘腔」「與異性結伴」 4歲小童已有性別偏見
Ming Pao: 研究:男生愛洋娃娃女生短髮難交友 4歲童有「非常規性別」偏見
AM730: 幼童歧視不跟從性別規範朋輩 中大專家︰早介入可減偏見
HKEJ: 研究揭4歲童已具性別定型觀念
HKET: 對「娘娘腔」朋輩 或4歲已存偏見
Sing Tao Daily: 研究:幼童對非常規性別行為存偏見
News@UofToronto: New interventions could help children accept gender-diverse peers, U of T study finds

Article selected as high-impact by Springer Nature:
A publication arising from Prof. Wong’s Early Career Scheme project, Wong & Yeung (2019), was selected for inclusion in the latest curation of the most recent influential publications by Chinese researchers across Springer Nature, a global publisher of 3000+ journals.
The article is included in the Humanities & Social Sciences section and is open access until Feb. 29, 2020. Link to the collection and the article, Wong, W. I. & Yeung, S. P. (2019). Early gender differences in spatial and social skills and their relations to play and parental socialization in children from Hong Kong. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 1589-1602: https://www.springernature.com/gp/researchers/campaigns/chinese-research/humanities-social-sciences?utm_source=hybris-campaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=internal&utm_campaign=SRCN_1_NX01_cny20_hss&sap-outbound-id=C03708AE324538A8C653F9D3C4C113076C945F4B

Our research on children’s appraisals of gender nonconformity was reported in two press releases by the Society for Research in Child Development and the Communications and Press Relations Office, CUHK.
SRCD Press release: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-10/sfri-nim101719.php
CUHK Press release: https://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/en/press_detail.php?id=3154&t=cuhk-study-reveals-simple-intervention-may-change-young-children-s-biased-perception-of-peers-breaking-gender-norms&s=
On 31 Oct 2019 we introduced our findings to journalists in a press conference. News clippings in the media:
Child&Family Blog 2019-10 Gender Nonconforming Children, Particularly Boys, Are Less Popular With Peers
HKET TOPICK 2019-10-31中大研究揭兒童對性別非常規化朋輩存偏見 倡培育多元共融意義
On.cc 2019-10-31 4歲童已對非常規性別行為存偏見 學者倡及早教育
SCMP 2019-11-01 Gender stereotyping can be reduced at a young age with proper intervention, study conducted on Hong Kong children finds
hk01 2019-11-01 中大研究:4歲童對「娘娘腔」行為存偏見 倡及早培育多元意義
Sky Post 2019-11-01 歧視「娘娘腔」「與異性結伴」 4歲小童已有性別偏見
Ming Pao 2019-11-01 研究:男生愛洋娃娃女生短髮難交友 4歲童有「非常規性別」偏見
AM730 2019-11-01 幼童歧視不跟從性別規範朋輩 中大專家︰早介入可減偏見
HKEJ 2019-11-01 研究揭4歲童已具性別定型觀念
HKET 2019-11-01 對「娘娘腔」朋輩 或4歲已存偏見
Sing Tao Daily 2019-11-01 研究:幼童對非常規性別行為存偏見

Prof. Wong has been elected Visiting By-Fellow at the University of Cambridge from May to July 2020!
Dr. Wong gave a talk at the Department of Psychology, Gender Development Research Centre, University of Cambridge.
Our collaborator Dr. Doug VanderLaan, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga, visited our lab and talked on "Childhood Gender Diversity in the Community and Across Cultures" in the Gender Studies Seminar on 20 May 2019.
Times Higher Education article featured Dr. Wong and Sylvia Shi's (MPhil graduate) recent research on sex segregated education. Full-text is available here: https://bit.ly/2TZfODw [Download PDF]
Dr. Wong and Icy Yeung, former thesis student, talked about their research on gender-typed play, color, and stereotypes on RTHK radio show Agender Cafe. The interview is available here: https://bit.ly/2MmCwTA
Dr. Wong presented at the Gender Development Research Conference in San Francisco in Oct 2018; and chaired the New Investigators section of promising young scholars.
Congratulations to our lab's former thesis student and current RA, Icy Yeung, for being awarded the China Oxford Scholarship Fund to read for MSc in Psychological Research at the University of Oxford in 2018-2019!
Interviewed for PsyPost https://www.psypost.org/2018/09/study-suggests-childrens-perception-of-gender-related-colors-can-be-easily-manipulated-52159
Interviewed for South China Morning Young Post: The rising popularity of Battle Royale Games
http://rdcu.be/IZL0 Dr. Ivy Wong, in collaboration with Dr. Gu Li from the University of British Columbia, has published an article titled "Single-Sex Schooling: Friendships, Dating, and Sexual Orientation" in Archives of Sexual Behavior on 14 March! Full-text is available here:
The undergraduate thesis of our RA, Icy Yeung, titled "Gender Labels on Gender-Neutral Colors: Do they Affect Children’s Color Preferences and Play Performance?" is published in Sex Roles on 4 January! Full-text is available here: http://rdcu.be/D5XW. The research is also selected by Springer for press release! The news article “Pretty in pink and boisterous in blue?” is disseminated on Springer Media, EurekAlert!, Phys.org, Science Daily, and Science Newsline.
Our color and toy study was also covered in various news reports and websites, including:
Daily Mail: Our color-coded world: Photographer documents gender stereotypes throughout children's lives as studies show how easily kids'perception of these labels can be manipulated (2019-04-22)
Motherly: Research confirms gendered toys help create inequality (2018-11-15)
Mindbodygreen: Can we influence our kids' color preferences? Maybe — and here's why it might be worth trying (2018-09-25)
PsychCentral: Preschoolers easily manipulated on gender issues (2018-08-08)
The Swaddle: Pink and blue toys and the gendering of play (2018-01-18)
The Student Newspaper: The danger of gendering children’s toys (2018-01-15)
Asian Scientist: Gender labels affect color preference in children (2018-01-12)
Bustle: A new study on “gender colored” toys shows the lasting effects of teaching pink is for girls, blue is for boys (2018-01-11)
The New Indian Express: Stop limiting kids choices to only blue and pink to curb gender differences, says study (2018-01-07)
Springer: Pretty in pink and boisterous in blue? (2018-01-04)
Dr. Wong appeared in Commercial Radio 881 在晴朗的一天出發 (17 Nov 2017) to talk about the science of gender research ("香港大學心理學系助理教授黃泓:學是學非係典型角色定型例子").
Our Research Assistant, Icy Yeung, has got her undergraduate thesis "Gender labels on gender-neutral colors: Do they affect children's color preferences and play performance?" accepted by Sex Roles! Congratulations!
Congratulations to Sylvia Shi, who has successfully defended her MPhil thesis on single-sex schooling!
Dr. Wong appeared in RTHK TV program “非常宅” (29 Nov 2016)
to talk about children’s gender-typed color preferences
Dr. Wong was invited to speak as New Investigator in the
2016 Gender Development Research Conference! (Oct 2016)
Dr. Wong explained why people are attracted to Tsum Tsums in
Young Post “Tsum Tsum: so much more than just a toy” (22 Aug 2016).
South China Morning Post: “More women in the lab will help propel Hong Kong’s economy” (26 Apr 2016). "Ivy Wong and Tjonnie Li say all highly developed economies have made investments in the sciences, so it is a shame that more local students – especially women – do not choose to study them.”
Dr. Wong expressed her opinion on physical education in China Daily “Game for more play?” (12 May 2015).
The Wall Street Journal: “Chinese Fathers Who Beat Their Kids Get a Beating Online” (13 Jun 2014).
Dr. Wong talked about how parenting differs in Chinese and Western cultures: “The focus on 'guan' in China…is thought to stem from Confucian traditions that emphasize discipline and obedience…Children who get spanked are at increased risk for mental illnesses such as depression, are more likely to exhibit violent behavior themselves and have strained relationships with parents…”
AM730 心理‧腦科學: “男藍女粉,請對號入座” (24 Apr 2014).
Dr. Wong talked about the prevalence of gender color-coding and children’s
gender-typed color preferences.
The Young Reporter, Baptist University, Department of Journalism, Department Magazine:
"[Cover Story] Extra-marital dating website lands in Hong Kong" (16 Dec 2013).
Dr. Wong appeared in BBC Radio 4 documentary “Fighting the power of pink” (9 May 2011).